Monday, October 19, 2020

Birding During the Festive Season

 I have had some family visiting for the Christmas holiday and I took advantage of their interest in photography and took them birding... lots! We tried all the local haunts and some new ones and managed 7 new lifers to add to my list.

The nicest surprise was a Vermillion Flycatcher at the Gilbert Riparian Preserve who shared his perch with a Say's Phoebe and a Black Phoebe for about an hour - each one taking his turn to pose for us. After that encounter we watched a Northern Harrier defend his territory from a coyote. 

Vermillion Flycatcher.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/500, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

Say's Phoebe.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/500, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

Black Phoebe.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/500, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.


EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/500, f5.6, ISO 250, 0 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

Black-necked Stilt.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/640, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

American Avocet.


EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/1600, f5.6, ISO 200, 0EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

I had a really lucky break when I crept up on one of the recharge ponds an almost disturbed another photographer. I headed down the bank slightly to find a Green Heron who was intently watching a fish. The next thing I knew was that a couple of other photographers made the same mistake I did... except they pushed the Green Heron right into my area. The heron them promptly speared a fish and gave me a great opportunity for a shoot.

Green Heron.


EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/640, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/640, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

A trip to Tucson was the next event. Arranged at short notice, and with advice from the members of the Arizona/New Mexico birding listserv , we made a trip out to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum (a lot like the Desert Botanical Gardens here in Phoenix). Again, we found lots of subjects to photograph.

Northern Cardinal.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s.  1/200, f4, ISO 200, +1.33 EV, 300mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.


EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/500, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

Anna's Hummingbirds.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/640, f5.6, ISO 250, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/640, f5.6, ISO 200, +1.33 EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s with 1.4 x Nikkor Teleconverter.  1/640, f5.6, ISO 250, 0EV, 420mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

EXIF: Nikon D90, Nikkor 300mm f4 af-s.  1/320, f4, ISO 200, +1.33 EV, 300mm, Pattern Metered, Manual Mode.

After the Desert Museum we made the 20 minute journey to Sweetwater Wetlands, though because of the traffic and road works it took us nearly an hour. Unfortunately we were disappointed by the wetlands... I think that we chose the wrong time of day to visit because all we saw were Northern Shovelers (by the thousand), Northern Pintails, American Wigeons and a Cinnamon Teal. It wasn't until we had walked the area and were back at the parking lot that we caught a flash of a Common Yellowthroat and found a tree full of Yellow-rumped Warblers. Unfortunately the lighting was awful and the spirit was weak and I came away with nothing.

I have been editing the shots from these trips over the last few days and I consider this a good start to my 2012 shooting. Let's hope it continues.

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