Anyway, the trip was not a total failure... I got some shots of my usual suspects and also some new ones, plus I had an 'up close and personal' experience with a goose who was very friendly and not at all timid. He waddled up the bank towards me, stopped just in front of me to stretch his wings then carried on past me - he almost had to hop over my legs to get past!
My new sightings today were a King Bird and a Black Phoebe. The King Bird was a very distant sighting, so no images... but here is the Black Phoebe and a few others.
Black Phoebe (Click to enlarge)
Exif: 1/500", f8, ISO 200, 420mm, Manual mode
Canada Goose (Click to enlarge)
Exif: 1/500", f9, ISO 200, 600mm, Aperture Priority mode.
Great Egret with a snack (Click to enlarge)
Exif: 1/500", f10, ISO 200, 420mm, Manual mode
Great Blue Heron silhouetted in the early morning light (Click to enlarge)
Exif: 1/160", f8, ISO 200, 600mm, Manual mode
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